Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where we are at now

The past seven months have been incredible. Maddi never ceases to amaze us, and her docs! We've been going regularily to the Kinsmen Children's centre in Saskatoon where she sees the Neurosurgeon, Urologist, Orthopedic specialist, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist! It's a busy day when we go for appointments but we are so thankful that the Kinsmen Children's Centre exists and coordinates all these appointments for us. We have also been going regularily to see a pediatric physiotherapist here at the hospital in Swift Current. It's really nice to be able to have those appointments here in Swift rather than having to travel more frequently to Saskatoon.

Maddi is doing very well so far. There's still a possibility that she may need a shunt, although now that she had made it this far without it, the chances of her needing it decline with each day that passes. We were given a list of signs to watch for which included, fussiness and irritability, vomiting, sunset eyes, etc. I still panic a little every time she is out of sorts and I wonder if she's having a headache and developing hydrocephalus, but so far she hasn't shown any signs at all. Her neurosurgeon is very happy with her progress.

She is now sitting up on her own! Her physiotherapist tells us this is great because it shows that she has some control of her glutes which are major stabilizing muscles she will need control of so she can walk. Currently she doesn't really bear weight on her legs. When you try and stand her up she will sometimes push a little but for the most part her legs just collapse. I am sure that someday she will bear weight, we'll just be waiting a little longer to get there. She's rolling over and can move herself around a bit on the floor. It's so cute to watch her play:)

Our most recent report from the urologist is that everything looks good and seems to be functioning as it should. There is currently not any elevated pressure on the bladder, and no reflux to the kidneys. We are going to catheterize her again for another trial period but as long as the residuals are low, we will be able to stop that for now with the expecation that sometime down the road we will need to start doing it again on a permanent basis. I dread starting it but once I've worked it into our daily routine it's not that big of a deal!

I think that brings us up to speed and catches you up on where Maddi is at.

We are keeping busy as always between our neighborhood moms group, starting a music class next week and swimming lessons in October. Greg and I will also start playing hockey again soon. It's going to be a busy fall, mat leave will be done before I know it:(

Hopefully you enjoy our blog and enjoy getting to know the Lawrences!

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