Monday, December 19, 2011


It's been a while since I've really had anything to post! We have been busy and my maternity leave is quickly coming to an end. So here's the latest update on Maddi:

-She continues to be a little rock star! She is rolling all over the place and getting stronger every day. She can also pull herself around the floor with her little army crawl!

-Maddi is still not able to bear any weight on her legs, but we received word that she will get a standing frame the next time we go to her Spinal Cord Clinic in Saskatoon. This will be the start of strengthening her legs so that she can eventually stand on her own! We had hoped to start this process in early December but she will need to be seen by her Orthopedic surgeon first so that she can verfiy that her hips are ready for this. Maddi has something called hip dysplasia which means that her hips will dislocate. It wasn't extreme enough that they wanted to do any bracing for this, but it will still be a bit of an issue moving forward. So for now we wait, and look forward to seeing Maddi in her stander in February!

-I go back to work January 11th and Madison will go to the Natural Wonder Early Learning Centre. She is such a social little baby, I think this will be a great place for her. Luckily there is funding that will pay for a one-on-one teacher for Maddi. We are very excited that a young woman who has worked at the centre for 8 years has asked to work with Maddi. She has 3 kids of her own and is a very nice, caring woman. Maddi will be in good hands! Luckily Maddi's physiotherapist will see Maddi right at the centre. She will also work with Maddi's teacher to train her on what type of excersizes and therapy she can do for Maddi on a daily basis. The one drawback to the daycare centre is that it's not wheelchair accessible, not in the slightest. They will be building a new centre though, opening around 50 new spots in a facility attached to the new elementary schools being built by the hospital. Thankfully it will be fully wheelchair accessible, as will the school! Maddi will go to that new school anyways so this will work out well!

-We are going to see an Opthamologist in Saskatoon in January. Madison seems to have a touch of strabismus so we are taking her to get it checked out. This is common with kiddos with SB so it's not a huge surprise. She may need glasses or some patching to help strengthen her eye muscles, or it may be nothing. We are glad to be getting it checked out though!

What about mom and dad:

-Greg and I were in Vegas last week and had an awesome holiday! We travelled there with Greg's sister Debbie and her husband Dave and together we took in some of the sights and sounds of Vegas. Oh, and we might have done a bit of shopping. Luckily Westjet didn't charge me for a 76lb suitcase. I'm not even sure how it's possible to fill a suitcase to be that heavy. Especially considering it was stuffed on the way down and weighed around 47lbs!!

I think that just about covers it for now! Sorry it's not a very exciting update but around here that could be a good thing as it means that Maddi is doing well and kicking Spina Bifida's butt!
Merry Christmas to all!

Love Meaghan, Greg and Madison